Employment Oppurtinities
One of the priority areas of our country is to educate scientists and our talented students who graduate from our department will have equipments that can meet this need.
Mathematics department graduates:
- Academician at universities,
- Mathematics Teacher in Secondary Education,
- Project managers and developers in software companies,
- Computer companies responsible managers,
- System analyst,
- Software developers in the financial sector,
- Responsible and competent in software development groups,
- Computer sales companies responsible and competent,
- Program developers in the data centers of banks and banks,
- Expert in units related to optimum resource utilization, planning and human resources,
- Specialist in the departments of insurance in the insurance sector,
- Exchanges and Securities related organizations,
- They have the opportunity to work in administrative and research and educational institutions.
- In The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), they may be an Expert, Expert Assistant, Project Manager and Researcher at Public Agencies and Institutions, Public Research Institute.